My Personal Digital Detox

  • Sometimes I wake up and think I can change the world

    This morning I woke up and heard something that made me think that I could do something so big, so audacious, so over the top it is truly delulu. I’m not sure I can use that word because I’m a Gen-X-er. As I was getting out of bed I heard a bird singing outside. Now…

  • Leap Year

    Yesterday was leap day. Here’s a fun fact you might not know about years with Feb 29 – It doesn’t happen every 4 years. I also like to use this info to debate Flat Earthers for fun. Also, here’s a fun fact about Flat Earthers: Most of them have picked up this mis-information in prison.…

  • Working On vs In

    Today is so much different than just a few days ago. But today is also special – It’s Leap Day – but since I don’t know what will happen today I’ll write about today, tomorrow. While I was outside working on the yard and planning my garden for 2024 on Tuesday, Yesterday turned bitter cold,…

  • Pressure


    I hate for my very first post to be about this topic, but something unexpected happened last night that I just had to document. It was absolutely gorgeous outside yesterday. Low 60° temps which is extremely unusual for this time of year. It was one of those days where we opened the windows to start…

  • Hello world!

    Hello world!

    If you have found this, then most likely you were looking for me, Eric Hegwer. Over the many years I’ve been on-line I have started (and closed) dozens of blogs. I’ve had personal ones, ones for my various business ventures, and even created a bunch for others. This one is different. Before I share how,…

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